What’s your food story?

What’s the story you tell yourself about food and your eating habits?

Is it a tale of horror that creates feelings of fear, terror, or panic?

A comedy that has you using food for fun and entertainment?

Is it a trashy romance that allows you to check out and escape into a little guilty pleasure?

Or a mystery that leaves you feeling confused and wondering how on earth it’s all going to work out?

Is it more like a textbook full of overwhelming counting, measuring, rules, shoulds, and should-nots?

A thriller that has you feeling tense, anxious, and on edge wondering what’s going to happen next?

A spy novel full of secrecy and hiding in the shadows?

A historical novel that has you feeling nostalgic about how you had your shit together for a few months 15 years ago and wondering how you get back there?

A saga of friendship that’s provided a lifetime of connection and comfort.

I’ve spent time in all of these stories. I told them over and over again until I knew them by heart.

And the more I told them, the more they drove the eating habits I didn’t want.

The stories we tell ourselves are so powerful. They become our truth. They create our reality.

If you want to stop overeating and change your relationship with food you have to turn the page. Start a new chapter. Tell a new story. 

The end.


700 days of food


Why are you eating?