700 days of food

One of the tools I use with my clients is a special way of planning food every day. I know it’s a game-changer because I do it myself.

This morning I wrote my 700th consecutive food plan.

Those 700 plans represent 105 pounds lost. They represent maintaining my weight for longer than it took me to lose it. They represent a completely different relationship with food. And most importantly, they represent a completely different relationship with myself.

700 consecutive plans taught me that weight loss could be simple. It could be easy. It could be drama-free (even if some days I chose to bathe in a little drama).

700 plans taught me I can eat things I want to eat, lose weight, and maintain it. That I don’t have to deprive myself. That I can enjoy foods I used to cut out for fear of losing control. That I can trust myself. That I’m the boss of food.

700 plans taught me it doesn’t have to be perfect to be effective. Hear me… it DOESN’T have to be perfect. I went off-plan. I overate sometimes. And I didn’t actually burst into flames or gain all my weight back overnight. Who knew?

700 plans showed me when I was eating when I wasn’t hungry. They gave me the awareness that I needed something in those moments and allowed me to figure out what.

For 700 consecutive days, I’ve shown up for myself. Tried stuff. Failed my ass off (literally). Worked on figuring out my shit. And made decisions about who I want to be and the future I want to create. 

Doing a plan like this is so much more than a list of food. It’ll change your life if you let it. It’s one of the gifts I give myself every day.

Here’s to the next 700 days of food planning.


What’s your food story?