Hi there! Welcome.

Oh hi there. I’m Tracea.

And I’m an emotional eater. Well not so much these days, but I was. For decades.

I used to eat all my emotions. All of them. The good, the bad, the ugly. 

Some days it felt like all I did was eat. I’d eat my face off. Kinda like “honey… stand back and take notes and lemme show you how it’s done.”

Seriously, if eating was an Olympic sport I’d have ALL the medals. 

I just didn’t know how to manage my emotional life without food.

Feeling doubt? Pass the donuts.

Not good enough? Nosh the nachos.

Confused? Cookies might bring clarity (shockingly… they never did 😜)

The more I ate, the worse I felt… about food, about my eating habits, about myself, and about life.

And of course, the worse I felt the more I ate. It was quite the shit show.

I didn’t realise the problem was emotions though. I mean... I’m reasonably smart generally speaking… but I didn’t connect the dots on that one.

I thought I just needed to try harder. Have more willpower. Show some self-control. Have a little more discipline dammit. That’s what we’re told right?

So I’d employ the old “let’s beat the crap out of myself to get motivated” strategy.

Like any of that ever worked. If it did we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

When I realised it was all emotional it became a different problem. With a different solution.

Feeling feelings. Exploring emotions. Understanding why I was eating.

Now trust me… I did NOT want that to be the answer.

Understand my emotions? Yuck. Gross. Who the EFF wants to do that?

Not me. That’s WHY I was eating. To avoid that quagmire.

But emotional exploration was the answer. And it wasn’t actually that gross. And it changed everything.

Sometimes it was hard. Sometimes it still is.

But it’s worth it. Not just to stop overeating, but to improve your emotional health.

Because let’s face it… Emotional health is sexy AF. It’s the new black.

So if you’re ready to stop eating your face off… or even if you’re not ready yet… I’ve got you covered.

You coming?


What is Emotional Eating?